MacConkey Agar, Base


SKU: KS-83870 Category:


Concentration 40.00 gm/lit.

HSN Code : 38210000
IMDG Identification : Not Regulated for Transport (Non-Haz)
Storage : 8 to 25°C (Cool & dry area)
Shelf Life : 36 Months


Composition :
Peptic digest of animal tissue :17.00 gm/lit.
Bile salts :1.50 gm/lit.
Proteose peptone : 3.00 gm/lit.
Sodium chloride : 5.00 gm/lit.
Neutral Red : 0.03 gm/lit.
Crystal Violet : 0.001 gm/lit.
Agar :13.50 gm/lit.

pH at 25 °C : 7.1 ? 0.2

Storage : Store between 8-25 °C.

Additional information


100 G, 500 G