Packing : 5 vl
HSN Code : 38220090
IMDG Identification : Not Regulated for Transport (Non-Haz)
Storage : 2 to 8°C (Refrigerate)
Shelf Life : 24 Months
Composition:- Ampicillin – 2.50mg/vial
Directions:- 1) Aseptically add 2ml of 50% v/v alcohol to 1 vial.
2) Mix well and aseptically add to sterile cooled media at 45-50°C and pour in petriplates.
3) In 500ml of media, add 2 ml.
Media Used:-
Aeromonas Isolation Medium Base
Applications:- For the selective isolation and cultivation of Aeromonas species.
Prepared Supplement Appearance (after reconstitution):- Clear, colourless solution.