FluroBronze 100bp Ladder


SKU: KS-97958 Category:


Packing : 50 ?g

HSN Code : 38220090
IMDG Identification : Not Regulated for Transport (Non-Haz)
Storage : -20 °C (Blue/Dry Ice)

The new range of DNA ladders are specially prepared as ready-to-load fluorescent ladders.

The FluroBronze 100bp Ladder contains in addition to the tracking dye, a non-carcinogenic nucleic acid stain. The ladder should be loaded onto an agarose gel (of appropriate concentration) containing no fluorescent dye.
The ladder has 10 bands in 100bp increments from 100 to 1000bp. The intense band at 500bp will help orient the user to the different bands in the ladder.

A vial of 6X FluroBronze Stain is also included in the pack.

Additional information


50 ?g